Saturday, November 29, 2008
Black Friday Promotion From Nikon
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving People.....

Thank you for visiting me here.....
Thank you a.k.a
~ Salamat
~ Kamza Hamnida
~ Xie Xie ni
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's A Time Of Giving
Christmas is a time of giving. I can feel the spirit of Christmas now. Today I got a Christmas card from one of my friends. It is a pretty card and it’s one of those personalize Christmas card. Nothing can really beat the greatness of personalize cards, right? There are lots of personalize holiday cards that we can order online but I find the Gallery Collection personalize cards very unique and stylish. Also, in Gallery Collection you can read some useful tips and other important information regarding the proper ways to address and send cards and also the etiquette for expressing your condolences.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Too Much Drama...

Anyway if you guys are interested to watch this drama you can check it out at mysoju. Have fun watching and don't forget to prepare your hanky.
Buy Your Domain Now...
Bloggers these days buy their own domain in order to grab more opportunities from paid blogging sites. I bought my own domain for my blog too. My friend told me that I can have more opportunities if I have my own domain since most of the advertisers required a blog with its own domain. And my friend is right, I’m earning enough these days from my blog. So other bloggers out there who didn’t have their domain yet, you should get your domain now at Let them serve you coz they’ve got the best and reliable web hosting company that can offer you the best price, support, features and user-reviews.
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Christmas Tree Is Up!
Let me be the first person to greet you " Merry Christmas Everyone"......
Need Money?
I think everyone needs money. It’s true that money can’t buy happiness but it can provide your basic needs for your household and it can get you want you want. I admit, I do need money and right now I am really tight on my budget since I just sent money to my family in
Who's Getting a Tattoo?
Here we go...
It really hurts. I can feel the pain when the needle starts scratching my skin but it is only painful for 2-3 minutes then later on, you will get used to it and you can't feel the pain anymore. Honestly, I cried because of the pain and nervous. But it was a good experience for me. I felt great when the artist told me that he's done. He's a great artist, he joke a lot while doing the tattoo, trying to make me laugh. He did a good job though. I promise, this is my first and last tattoo. And as what I've said in my entry two weeks ago that I will have a tattoo after my 25th birthday?
Then here it little tattoo:
Me and the tattoo artist:
Funds For Small Business
If I could try anything and will not fail and money is not an object I would like to attempt to put up a business. An Internet Café maybe, since people back home (
He Turned "27"
Now, we're looking forward for Thanksgiving & Christmas Day.
Love and Pride Coupon Codes
Have you already made up your mind what kind of Christmas gift you should give to your better half? If you haven’t, I will help you think of something that will surely make your better half happy this coming Christmas. Why not give him/her a necklace, a ring, a bracelet, or a watch? Love and Pride jewelry are offering discount coupons through They are the unique jewelry company whose core values are based in tolerance and respect. If you want to show or express some love and pride to your better half this coming Christmas then you should visit the love and pride jewelry store. They will directly ship your order fast and accurate with the price that you will love. There are lots of great and unique styles that you can choose from. Get the best jewelry for your love-one coz he/she deserve to be happy. Shop now at Love and Pride jewelry using coupon codes so that you can save, especially now that the economy is getting weaker it is a good idea to save. Hurry and use the Love and Pride coupon codes when you purchase. You can save up to 60 percent off. Don’t let this great opportunity to slip.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
How Did I Celebrate My Birthday?
It was just a simple birthday celebration but it touched my heart so much. Now, I'll take this opportunity to thank the people who have touched my life today.
Thank you my beloved husband for the love and understanding.
Thank you David and Nowa for being nice and for the friendship.
Thank you Ms. Brenda for the cookie cake.
Thanks also to my co-workers for singing "Happy Birthday".
Thanks to my in-laws and Grandma for the bday card.
Thanks to some of my friends on friendster for the birthday greetings.
Thanks to my family for the love and care.
Most of all, thanks to my mother for this day. ..without her I won't have a reason to celebrate this day. Thank you Mama for bringing me in this wonderful world. It maybe too late to thank you now coz you're no longer around but I will make sure that my life is worth living as my way of saying " thanks to you".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's Just Gross!
I’ll be honest; when I was young I have head lice. I was embarrassed when my classmates and friends found out that I have head lice coz they always teased me. I dunno where those little insects came from but those are irritating little creatures. They made my head itch and I just keep scratching my head because of them. As I grew older I just learned that they just go away, maybe because I started taking care of myself and my hair then. Now, my nephews and nieces got it too and it’s just gross. I don’t let them sleep with me coz am afraid that their head lice might transfer to my head, you know. I just found out today that some salons are offering services just like head lice removal. If you are somewhere in
Going Back To Philippines...
This morning, on the way to work, I asked my husband that if I'm going back to Philippines will he go with me? He said yes, he thought that I'm talking about a vacation to Philippines but when I say that, I want to stay there for good...will he stay there for good too? He just smile at me and say......."WE WILL STAY THERE FOR GOOD WHEN WE RETIRE".
Ebel Manchette
I Love Snow But...
Live Life To The Fullest!
Life is precious. We should know how to take care of our body and to have a proper medical check-up to see if we are healthy or not because do you know that 325,000 people a year - or nearly 900 per day were killed by Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)? What is SCA? Is it a deadly condition? SCA occurs when the lower chambers of the heart, called ventricles, stop beating normally and start quivering very quickly and chaotic. How to treat SCA? There are two immediate ways to treat SCA. First is CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and the second one is the ICD (mplantable cardioverter defibrillator). Want to know more about SCA? Explore the insidecardiacarrest website and learn more as you watch the videos they provide.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Visitors...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wanna Lose Weight?
A lot of us are conscious of our weight. We see to it that we are in proper balance and in good posture that is why we want to lose weight to maintain good health. It is not easy to lose weight, it takes a lot of effort, we are required to have proper diet and of course work-out as well. I know that we need to set a goal and also to have self-discipline in order to reach the goal that we set, but honestly it is really hard for us to keep up those things that’s why we usually depend on diet pills. If you are planning to take a diet pills to lose weight then you should look for safe and effective one. Lab88 Health Center for the Stars sells Diet Pills that would surely help you lose weight. They offered the best diet pills on the market today. Visit Lab88 now for more information.
Picking Up Pecans...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Satellite Phones
Satellite Phones became more popular these days. It is cheaper to use especially when we are calling to our love-ones living miles away from us. When it comes to satellite phone there is only one trusted and reliable company to use and it is the Mackay Satellite Phones. Mackay is offering satellite equipment and airtime service for marine, offshore, and land-mobile industries. For worldwide satellite communications equipment and airtime services, we should only use Mackay Communications.
The Hot Kim Rae Won

Get Help Now
Suffering from drug addictions such as: Alcoholism , Cocaine Addiction, Heroin Addiction, Meth Addiction, or any kind of drug addictions? It may be good if you start thinking about getting treated now. There are a lot of rehab centers that are very willing to help you and guide you on the right path.
It Might Be Your Long Lost Friend
Trying to figure out the unknown numbers that keeps on bothering you? Now is the time to know the person behind that unknown number. It might be your long lost friend that just wants to play game with you. Try the Reverse Phone Search, this website help you know the person behind that unknown number. All you have to do is to enter the area code followed buy the seven digit numbers then after a few seconds the results are displayed on the screen for you. The results include the person’s name and address associated with the phone number.
The Wii Fever!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bicycling - A Good Exercise
There is this one scene from a Korean drama “Fullhouse” when the lead actress and lead actor are in the beach for their honeymoon, having a good time bicycling. I think it was really romantic and sweet moment for both of them. I love that certain scene from that drama, since I love bicycling too. I do it for fun and for exercising as well to make my body actively fit. Here’s one great company who specializes beach cruiser bicycles for people who love bicycle and beach, they are the Cruiserstyle company. This company started when one guy wanted an inexpensive bike for himself. That’s when Cruiserstyle was created. They sold their bikes on Ebay and later on they have their own showroom in
Fake It Till You Make It? I Don't Think So....
Photo Cards For The Holiday
Check out this Chocolate Snowflakes Calendar Greeting Card:

Monday, November 10, 2008
Thank you Ivy!!!
Cheap Philippines Phone Cards
Since I am budgeting right now because I spend too much in my last visit to my homeland
Bad Memory....
My husband keeps telling me that I have bad memory, that I am very forgetful. If he asked me to do something, he needs to call me and remind me to do it or else, I won’t do it coz I forget it. This being forgetful of mine put me on not so good situation sometimes…
I guess now, you have an idea how forgetful I am.
Dying To Make Extra Cash?
These days, opportunities from a paid blogging sites are too few. There are lots of bloggers to grab that few opportunities. I’ve learned that there is other way to have more qualified opportunities for us bloggers to choose from. Most of the advertisers are looking for a blog site with its own domain. So, I encourage the bloggers out there to get your own domain in order for you to have more opportunities from paid blogging sites. It’s really easy to get a domain just visit a web hosting site and simply buy the domain from them. If you haven’t found an affordable and trusted web hosting site yet, I recommend you to use webhostinggeeks. Webhostinggeeks got the best web hosting that anyone is looking for. They have the top 10 web hosting provider for 2008 and also all their web hosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and 30 day money back guarantee.. Are you dying to make extra cash? Buy your domain now at webhostinggeeks. They have the inmotion web hosting provider for only $8.95 with fast, reliable, and affordable hosting. Inmotion also guarantee to their consumers that they will get competent support and professional service - or you will get your money back once you are not satisfied of their services.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Lovely Precious Nicole...
She is my pretty lil' baby. She is my niece but I treat her like my own daughter. She celebrate her first birthday last Monday (Nov. 3, 2008). I love you Baby Precious. When you grow up, I hope you can read this blog of mine and I hope you know that you are very precious to me..that's why I named you Precious Nicole to let you know that you are loved by me.
Drive Comfortably!
It feels great to drive comfortably. Since year 2008 is a scorcher it means that it’s hot outside, for times like this it would be great to have your auto air conditioning on. Do you know that 1airconditioning sells auto A/C compressor products? Whether you are looking for A/C Compressors, Air conditioning Condensers, Air conditioning Evaporators, Driers, or Expansion Devices, they have a great selection of new and remanufactured products available and ready to ship and it would free shipping on any order. Visit 1airconditioning now for more information.
7 Facts Tag

Anne passed another tag to me. I need to answer this tag so she won't get mad at me, lol. I know she won't get mad even if I won't answer this tag coz she loves me so much hahahaha...confident huh? Anyway, here's my answer, have fun in reading...................
1. I've been married for three years now.
2. I love my husband, family and friends so much and am afraid of losing them.
3. I fear death.
4. When I was younger, I thought that Jesus died every Holy Friday and I asked my mother, why is it Jesus loves to be nailed on the cross every year?
5. Simple jokes can make me laugh.
6. I am addicted to Taiwanese dramas, Korean dramas and I only have one Hollywood idol, that is Ashton Kutcher.
7. I just lose my mother 2 months ago and I'm still grieving until now and I will grieve for a long long time.
Passing this tag to: Abby, Imelda, Nanay Belen & Emz Exposure.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Power steering rack
Good news to the public who are looking for quality power steering rack and steering box. Powersteeringpros is now offering the public an access to their highest quality boxes and racks. Hurry, purchase and install now the same high quality steering rack that dealer's use, at affordable prices plus they are offering a full warranty and free shipping. This is the best deal you can get and you can only have it at powersteeringpros.
Getting a tattoo at 25?
Here are the kind of tattoos I like:

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Exceptional eyewear

It’s great to see how beautiful the world is. It is just good to see and appreciate God’s creation. That’s why eyesight is priceless. Not all people have good eyesight. Old ones are having trouble on seeing things clearly, even little ones were born with eyesight difficulties. That is why most of us depend on prescription eyeglassesso we can see better and appreciate more the things around us. In today’s economic crisis, it is hard to spend money on things that are useful to us just like prescription eye glasses. When you buy a prescription eye glasses in the store, I’m sure it will cost you more but why spend so much when you can get a prescription eye glasses with lesser price at the same quality? Zenni Optical sells stylish prescription eyeglasses with huge selection of frames. Prices of their eyeglasses start from $8. They also have new arrival frames. Select your favorites frames now and get your prescription eye glasses at Zenni, they only charge $4.95 for shipping and handling flat rate per order, it does not matter how many glasses in order. For general information regarding on how to order, production/shipping and even the repairs/returns visit Zenni Optical now.
Hitting "25"
Alright...just wanna say, don't forget my present lol.
Affordable tactical pants
Since economy keeps falling down, it is best to save up our money and try to get or buy those cheaper goods or things instead of buying the expensive ones with similar qualities and features. If you are looking for an affordable tactical pants for you to wear at work or anywhere then you should check out tactical pants store. This store sells tactical pants with many modern features. They design their pants based on a classic cargo pants but it includes many modern features in it that are very useful and you will surely enjoy having it. Their prices are way cheaper compared to those other tactical pants we see at the malls.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Alphabetical questions!
A. Attached or single?~~~been married for three years.
B. Best friend? ~~~ my hubby, kitz & my parents
C. Cake or pie? ~~~both but I like cheesecake & icecream cake the most.
D. Day of choice?~~~TGIFriday
E. Essential item?~~~photo album
F. Favorite colour?~~~Green & pink
G. Gummy bears or worms?~~~Gummies
H. Hometown?~~~Leyte
I. Favorite indulgence?~~~too many to mention
J. January or July?~~~July
K. Kids?~~~zero
L. Life isn’t complete without?~~~sufferings.
M. Marriage date?~~~July 14
N. Number of magazine subscriptions:~~~ nothin' not into magz.
O. Oranges or apples?~~~both
P. Phobias?~~~snakes & cancer
Q. Quotes?~~~"Aim high & hit the mark!"
R. Reasons to smile?~~~ family & friends.
S. Season of choice?~~~Fall.
T. Tag 5 people.~~~Anyone can grab this tag.
U. Unknown fact about me?~~~I just have lil' self-confidence.
V. Vegetable?~~~I ate different kinds of veggies except brocolli, baby carrots & brussel sprouts.
W. Worst habit?~~~Nose picking and I used to thumb sucking too.
X. X-ray or ultrasound?~~~x-ray
Y. Your favorite foods?~~~seafoods
Z. Zodiac Sign?~~~Scorpio baby!