Last Sunday night (3/23/08), I applied online at Mc Donald's fast food restaurant. I applied in some other companies too near in my place hoping that they will going to call me for an interview. Unfortunately, Monday morning (3/24/08) around 10:30AM, I got a call from a person named David...he said that he is a supervisor in Mc Donald's & asked me if I could come for an interview right away...without doubt I said yes...I mean I really am not interested for the job but having the opportunity to be interviewed can be a good experienced for me.
I arrived at the store around 11AM, since it is only a 3-4 mins. walk from my place. When I got there, I signed up another application form again for the company's copy, afterwards I took the assessment exam and again unfortunately I passed. The supervisor said that I got a very high score and then he asked if when I could start working...I was shocked....I mean really shocked..never thought they're going to hire me right away...coz you know back home we usually hear from the employer that they're just going to call us if we are hired or, I was really expecting to hear those words from him....but anyway, I got hired and am not happy at all..I dunno... maybe because I'm not ready? But to think that I can earn money and will be able to help paying the utility bills and also I can help my family back home, I accepted the job wholeheartedly. And I was thinking too that this can be a good experienced for me also ( a stepping stone kumbaga).
So...Tuesday morning (3/25/08) I started my new daily routine. I was assigned at the counter to take order of course from the customers. Before, I thought that this kind of a job is too easy. I thought that even the retarded people can do this kind of job but I was all wrong...being in the counter is not easy at all...never been too easy! On my two and a half days as a trainee, I encountered two rude people. They got mad coz I can't catch up easily their order and I keep asking them of what was their order....coz u know they talked really fast and hey...English is not my first language, I am not that familiar of the food menu, I am still new in this kind of a job, I am still a trainee and they expect me to be perfect? What the hell, are they kidding me?
But anyway we, the people assigned in the counter our motto is “WELCOME TO MC DONALD'S, MAY I TAKE YOUR LIFE...I MEAN YOUR ORDER?" and this kind of greetings belongs to the rude people like those two that I've encountered. I admit, I shed a lil bit of tears coz I was lil bit hurt for what happened and I felt like I looked like stupid in front of those two customers but thanks to my two nice supervisor who comforted me, to my co-employee who encouraged me and keeps telling me that I've done a good job coz I never messed any orders yet. And most of all thanks to my beloved husband for his encouraging words and comfort. He told me not to take to heart of what those two rude people acting in front of me. He said, I can't please everybody and I should think that out of hundred nice customers I have served everyday there was only two who are rude and they can't mess up my feelings. Those two rude people can't affect me; in fact their rudeness taught me a good lesson. The lesson I learned from my experience today is that...for the bad things that happened? We should not only look for the negative side of it, instead look for the positive side as well. Their rudeness makes me stronger now and gave me more confidence in myself.
And this is all I can say to myself right now:
haha hala ka kaigata nimo oi work na diay ka diha.awa nindot mag blogging sa kay makapahungaw kas imong gibati diha.ingnan ka karamay nimo ning blog.anyways,nice reading ur post rose.sabotabol kaau kay au man ka maninglish.
as i noticed 2 ur post teh, you seem to have mixed emotions right?i mean, ur happy yet ur ateh, i know wat u feel...but remmber teh "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"...God won't allow anything to happen which can make u as FOR now go with the flow, ur ryt learn from all ur experiences ryt now,it's one thing for sure make u a better person, trust so happy and proud for u teh, yes stepping stone jd ni nimo teh...ignore those rude people, bisan asa ug bisan unsa imong work, naa jd mga ingon ana mga taw ( IS A VIRTUE...GUDLUCK SA IMONG NEW JOURNEY IN LIFE...ALL THE SUPPORT:)
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