I was just surprised of my bosses in McDonald's...My store manager asked me this " Rose, If I will give you more money, if I'm going to give you a raise, would you stay? because I don't want to let you go." I was really surprised and can't answer her directly. What should I say? It is money!!! But in the end, I told her that I'm not going to accept her offer. I did not give her any reason but deep inside my reasons are, I was just working in McDonald's for three months and there are other employees that been there for over a year yet they did not have a raise on their pay. I don't want to have conflict with other employees..I'm afraid they might say that the management has a favoritism. And also, working in McDonald's will require me to work on holidays which I hated so much. For me, holiday is holiday and I don't want to work on holidays, it's my rest day.
I'm just glad coz my three big bosses in McDonald's told me the same thing. They are sad to see me leaving because I am a good employee (bukad2x jud akong liver) and if ever I'm not happy on my new job..I am always welcome to come back at the store anytime I want to. I felt very important for a short time. It is really good not to burned bridges coz in the future, we don't know what will happen...If something wrong happen in the future..I know that I can always come back at McDonald's.
Tomorrow will be my first day at my new job. Wish me luck guys!!!
Indeed really was difficult to leave the place where every day worked and met the old friend. But although, the demand of economics and the future were more important. It was important that the friendship was not cut off, the opportunity did not come to that the two times
well,ka amards pud ana oi ky gika wilihan revillame man jud ka. hala go what u want in layf..kung saan ka masayan suportahan taka.
hi rose,congrats...im happy for you girl...unya,musta man ang new job?
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