By the way, I know that everyone is experiencing the economic crisis but I know there are still people who didn't get affected to this thing and would still love to travel. Use Orbitz Coupons to save a little bit for your travel expenses.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Going Down Down Down...
By the way, I know that everyone is experiencing the economic crisis but I know there are still people who didn't get affected to this thing and would still love to travel. Use Orbitz Coupons to save a little bit for your travel expenses.
Sexy And Flirty Lingerie
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Flooded Basement
Have you ever experienced having water in your basement? Unfortunately for me, I woke up one morning and found out that the water in our basement is up to my knees (Wet Basement). I have a panicked at that time coz I wasn’t expecting that the house that we just bought have a problem like a flooded basement. I saw some of our things floating; good thing is that I put all of our important things in the main room so it hasn’t damaged at all but I saw that our basement wall was damaged because of the water. We called up some companies who could possibly repair our basement pipes so that the water will drained but they told us to wait like three days or so because they are busy and we don’t have an early appointment. It was really frustrating to know that they couldn’t help us right away, we are ready to pay for the cost anyway.
Just today I learned about water restoration 911. They are the people who can help you 24/7. If you got a problem about water damage, water restoration, Wet Basement or water in basement, basement leak or a broken pipe, carpet drying, fire water removal then don’t hesitate to call them at their hotline number. Just dial 1-877-FLOOD14. If I have known about this water restoration 911 thing before, I wouldn’t have to worry about our basement at that time.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
So, What's Your New Years Resolution?
Here's mine:
1. I will keep my house clean. (I'm not going to say that I will get my house clean coz I cleaned it already so am going to say I will keep it clean from now on.)
2. I will wash the dirty dishes after I eat.
3. I will do my best to learn how to drive before this year will end.
4. I will try to exercise regularly to lose a lil' bit of weight.
5. I will avoid eating sweets. (I swear, I wanna do this!)
6. I will control myself on my addiction. ( Watching Korean dramas. Darn! this dramas made me lazy.)
7. I will avoid arguing with my husband over lil' things. (Hay....ambot lang!)
8. I will call my family back home as often as possible.
9. I will minimize my mañana habit. (Dunno what mañana habit is? google it.)
10. Lastly, I want to be a much better person this year and for the years to come.
I guess, that's it! I don't want to make my list longer coz am afraid I can't do it all. Sayonara! Kamza Hamnida for visiting my blog. Saranghae............
No More Sleepless Nights
I am being known as sleepyhead. Since I was young my parents have hard time getting me out from my bed. Now, it’s my husband who has hard time waking me up every morning. I just love sleeping. I think if I’m going to be asked about my hobby my reply would be sleeping. When I woke up in the morning, I make sure that I have eight hours of sleep or more. Again, that’s why I’m being known as sleepyhead, right? Just because I love to sleep means the bed I’m going to use does not matter to me. Of course, I still want to have a comfortable and relaxing bed for me to sleep. Having a comfortable bed to sleep on just feels great.
Time4sleep sells the most luxurious and comfortable bed you’ve ever imagined. They have huge selections of beds, so you can chose and get the best and the style that you wanted. One of their best selling beds is the divan beds. These beds come in a wide range of specifications, sizes, and storage options. The Divan beds range include open coil models, pocketed divans and the latest memory foam mattresses which are designed to contour to the shape of the body. Enough for sleepless nights due to uncomfortable beds, get your bed now at time4sleep, enjoy the comfort of your bed and happy sleeping.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back To Work...
Alright....Ms. Sleepyhead is signing off. I need to wake up early tomorrow for work. I don't want to go back to work really, but the other side of me wants to go back to work too for the reason that I need some greenie..."MONEY". I'm broke for two weeks, you know.
When Will Be Your Next Vacation?
When we think of having a vacation, it is for us to relax, enjoy and of course to visit some cool places and attractions at the same time resting our self from stress because of work. My two weeks vacation was just finished, yet I didn’t able to enjoy myself while on vacation. My husband was sick and I can’t leave him behind while I’m wandering around and enjoying myself. But if I’ve given a chance to have another two weeks vacation again, I would probably go to other states, like
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Drama Quotes
Nice men are ugly
Handsome men are not nice
Handsome and nice men are married
Handsome, nice and unmarried men are useless
Handsome, nice, unmarried and rich men are not interested in us
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us are players
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us and faithful are homosexuals
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us, faithful, straight and who would not lose interest in us even if we made the first moves - those men must have problems!
-My Name is Kim SamSoon (Korean)
"A girl is just too innocent when she is fooled on the first time.
But she is too naive if she is fooled for the second time.
And if she is fooled for the third time, she is simply stupid."
-Fated To Love You (Taiwanese)
"There are people in this world who try to hurt you, but there are also people who get hurt because you're hurt."
-Devil Beside You (Taiwanese)
This last one is not from an Asian drama but this come from a very good movie "Forrest Gump". I've watched this movie maybe 2-3 times already.
"Stupid is as stupid does. "
" I'm not a smart man...but I know what love is."
Time To Lose Some Weight
When we say Holidays it means preparation or celebration and when there is celebration of course there will be food too, right? I knew that a lot of people are cooking homemade foods for the holiday and yeah, you can never go wrong with homemade foods, they are indeed delicious than the one’s we bought from restaurants. I love homemade foods too. But when we are on a diet, we sometimes hesitant to eat all the food we want for the reason that we might messed up our diet or we worry to gain more weight. But what the heck, holidays comes just once a year so why not put all your worries behind and attacks the food? If you happen to gain weight for eating so much during the holidays there will be a solution for that. Try the safe and effective diet pills from Lab88, they will surely help you. But of course, while taking the diet pill you should also eat healthy foods and have a 3-5 times exercise a week to make the diet pills work. Lab88 offers Hoodia 750, MetaboSpeed, Carbo Delete and they have special packages diet pills too. So, why don’t you visit their site and try some of their products. See if it will work for you.
My New Year's Eve!!!
I hope everyone was having a great time welcoming the New Year of the Ox. Happy New Year everyone and hope all your wishes may come true this year.