Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend? If you do, let's try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your closest friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you've got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her tag post. Be sure to thank her for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag.
1.Katie 2. Bernie 3. GreenRose 4. Yours is next->

Here's your questions: Be Honest and True!
1. How did you meet your husband or boyfriend?
Answer: dating site (
2. Where did you went in your first date?
Answer: At the hotel where he stayed. And I have a friend with me that time lol.
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
Answer: January 17, after Sinulog festival (complete?)
4. How many girlfriends he had in the past? do you honestly know?
Answer: Hmnnn, he had Liz when he was 16 yrs old. Then Joanna at 19 y/o and the last one was Nabel.
5. What is his ethnicity?
Answer: American
6. What is his favorite food?
Answer: He loves chicken adobo, barbecue & chocolate puff.
7. What is he like if he is mad?
Answer: He's silent but bug-at kaayo og dagway.
8. What are the things he did you thought is the most romantic thing he'd ever done?
Answer: When he put on his myspace profile that I am his hero. And everytime he cooked food for me.
9. Describe how he proposed to you.
Answer: I was the one who proposed to him lol...
------>Bernie's #10 question 4 me: When was the first time you argued?
Answer: can't remember it anymore..
10. How long have you been married?
Congratulation you did it! Now its your turn to put another person in
This is the time to put these person under the hot seat: Yums, Anne Sanborn, HappyHeart, Helen & Em'z exposure.
very nice tips
i like ur answer too ^_^
hellow..may i snag this and can we xlinks?:) i have 2 blogs. and
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