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Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Loves You

Does He really love me? That was my question a few months ago.

Few months back, I have never been to church, coz I felt bad and ashamed to face God after what I've done and said. Recently, I go back to His arms coz I know that I cannot make it through this life without Him and His guidance.

Those days that I've never visited God's house and just call him every once in a while, He reminded me, how good He was to me and how much He loves me. Everytime my husband and I went out for grocery shopping, we always passed a christian church and they have a sign board that says: God Loves You. And everytime I saw the said sign board, I felt guilty inside...

God loves me. I know how much He loves me. I know he loves me when He gave me a very good and loving mother who taught and guide me the right path. He gave me a very understanding and supportive husband. I have my beloved family that loves me as much as I love them. I have true friends that never leave my side when I needed them. Above all that, God heals my broken heart. He's always there to comfort me when I'm in pain. All I can say to Him is, THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Quotes to share:

"God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm."
- William Cowper

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